
Indo-Bangla Relations

By on October 4, 2024

Indo-Bangla Relations

Praveen Dixit

Recent developments overthrowing Hasina-led government in August 2024 are a fait accmpli.

Causes which led to the collapse

Internal fractions: Radicals headed by Jamat-e-Islami, Bangla Desh, Hifajat-E-Islam, which runs more than 25000 mosques, political opponents led by BNP of Zia, group led by Md. Yunus under the influence of western countries particularly US contributed to escalating the crisis.

Following Covid pandemic, economy was in shambles as Bangla Des has garment factories, but the fabric comes from India. Garment industry was in doldrums. Inflation is very high and sufferings of the people are manyfold.

External influences: Awami party founded by Mujibur Rahman, his daughter Sh. Hasina were perceived to be under the influence of India, though this group was working to keep Bangla Desh away from the unreasonable demands from external pressures particularly USA, China and Pakistan. US wants an island to oversee China, China desires to have access to waters to enable her exports of its cheap products, Pakistan claims, religiously both the regions have common identity, historically they were part of the same country. Civil war in Myanmar among Buddhists and Rohingyas has forced Bangla Desh to admit Rohingyas who are Muslims in the country. Though, they are Muslims, Bangla Desh is not happy with them and is happy if they are pushed in India.

Problems faced by India:

Mostly due to economic reasons, Muslims as well as few Hindus are continuously infiltrating illegally in India from all possible places. The number of such Muslims is only to be imagined as there are several pockets in India where they are able to find safe heavens along with religious sympathizers. For getting cheap labor, Hindu households, contractors, companies are welcoming their illegal stay. A few state governments such as West Bengal are promoting their reckless entry for 2vote politics in their favor. Demographic assault has put entire labor market under strain.

Many artisans from traditional profession have been replaced by Bangla Deshis. Many mosques in India have Maulvis from Bangla Desh and are rabidly propagating radicalism. This has increased threat of ISIS, Al Quaid on Indian soil. This is likely to get further aggravated. Bangla Deshis aided and abided by Pakistan are going to exacerbate various crimes including cyber offences, fake currency, terrorist activities, prostitution, kidnapping, love-jihad incidents and most importantly launching of disinformation campaign. To counter these, any stringent and stern action against Bangla Dash would push it further into the lap of India’s adversaries including Pakistan, China as well as USA. Moreover, India may have to fight war by proxy by Bangla Deshis, trained and funded by Pakistan. Demographic threat to North Eastern and Eastern region, and other parts of India is imminent.

Measures: to counter the threat:

Find out areas of mutual interest so that meaningful dialogue can proceed Areas bordering with Bangla Desh need to be secured using newer technologies such as drones, satellites as well as ground infrastructure State governments need to be directed to intensify measures to identify illegal migrants and segregate them. Government of India needs to create a separate Ministry for Immigrants immediately which would focus on the issue of illegal immigrants as well as ensure people who have entered legally, but have not left, leave India accordingly. Most of the developed countries in the world including USA, UK, Japan etc. have a separate Ministry to look after this important security concern. At present, IB under MHA has peripheral arrangements restricted to managing air check-posts and CsP, SsP, of the districts look after visa extension procedure.

But there is no trained machinery to identify illegal immigrants and ensure their deportation. Even after 75 years of independence, the problem is getting worse and there is no authority which can be held accountable to same. Aadhar card centers, passport offices, banks which help in regularizing stay of Bangla Deshis in India need to be more scrupulous before they accept the applicants. Cases involving fraudulent activities at the places are rampant. Law enforcing agencies need to be trained to identify and deport illegal immigrants. Government of India may consider introducing work permit facility for Bangla Deshis entering in India legally. Joint action force be considered against Rohingyas. May associate Bangla Desh as well in this endeavor. All trade and commercial activities of more than rupees 5000 be compulsorily done through UPI/online to control the menace of fake currency being pushed through neighboring countries including Bangladesh.

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